
Monday, March 18, 2024

23. Live Your Truth and Other Lies

Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted and Self-Obsessed. Alisa Childers. 2022. 240 pages. [Source: Library]

First sentence: My finger was literally on the button. Everything in me wanted to click Like and Share. Why am I not doing it? I thought. The author of the meme was a Christian, the quote sounded positive and life-affirming, and it would surely encourage and uplift my social media friends. I still can't do it. But why? 

Live Your Truth and Other Lies is a book that challenges so-called "truths" of society and culture. Childers is encouraging her readers to logically, reasonably, thoughtfully examine their world views and beliefs, the truths by which they live. To do so in light of Scripture I might add. This whole book is essentially be discerning at all times, don't just soak up any and every "truth" that you hear--especially if it comes in a bite-size quote shared on social media. Not that lies can only be found on social media. Lies, half-truths, barely-truths can be found anywhere and everywhere in our lives, our cultures, our circles. Childers encourages--promotes--study of God's Word and reliance on it. 

This book is not unique. There are probably a few each year along these same lines. Books that are calling out the LIES and half-truths of our culture and society. Books that encourage living in the Word and by the Word. Books that promote living counterculturally, not compromising with the world but holding to Scripture. This one is in some ways basic. But here's the thing, there doesn't have to be one and only one book on this subject. Just because it's been said before doesn't mean it's less important if said another time. There are people who will pick this one up and be blessed by it. 

I liked the conversational tone of this one. I do love her YouTube channel and podcast. This was a pleasant, enjoyable read for me. I did like some of the charts within the chapters. I do wish it was easier to see which "lie" was being addressed in each chapter. The chapter titles could be more helpful. It isn't that they were horrible the first time through--when reading cover to cover. But if I wanted to use this as a reference, to come back to specific chapters to find something again, or to try to find a specific quote to share with someone, the chapter titles are not going to be helpful. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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