
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spring Reading Thing 2011 Completed!

Spring Reading Thing was hosted by Callapidder Days. I had hoped to read eight to twelve books. But I was able to get so much read! It was wonderful!

 I read some of the books on my original list. But I didn't read everything on my list. I added things to it as well. One thing that surprised me--in a good way--was how much nonfiction I read. For some reason, I found it easier to read nonfiction than fiction! The Christian fiction I did read didn't really work for me the way I wanted it too. The exception to that rule being the two Grandma Attic books which I've loved and adored from childhood. 

My favorite books were Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself by Joe Thorn and  Why One Way?: Defending an Exclusive Claim in an Inclusive World by John MacArthur. And I just LOVED The Big Picture Story Bible by David R. Helm. If you've got kids, this is a great bible story book!

1. Knowing Scripture. R.C. Sproul. 1977/2009. IVP. 152 pages.
2. The World Jesus Knew. Anne Punton. 2003. Moody Publishers. 192 pages.
3. The Big Picture Story Bible. David R. Helm. 2004/2010. Crossway Publishers. 456 pages.
4. The Practice of the Presence of God. Brother Lawrence. Joseph de Beaufort. 1982. Whitaker House. 96 pages.
5. How To Get The Most From God's Word. John MacArthur. 1997. Thomas Nelson. 168 pages.
6. God is Great: A Toddlers Bible Storybook by Carolyn Larsen. Illustrated by Caron Turk. 2011. Crossway Publishers. 44 pages.
8. Discovering Jesus: Why Four Gospels to Portray One Person? T.D. Alexander. 2010. Crossway Publishers. 144 pages.
9. Through Gates of Splendor. Elisabeth Elliot. 1956/2005. Tyndale. 296 pages.
10. Cries From the Cross: A Journey Into the Heart of Jesus. Erwin Lutzer. 2002. Moody. 170 pages.
11. In Grandma's Attic. Arleta Richardson. 1974/2011. David C. Cook. 144 pages.
12. More Stories from Grandma's Attic. Arleta Richardson. 1979/2011. David C. Cook. 144 pages.
13. The Judgment. Beverly Lewis. 2011. Bethany House. 336 pages.
14. How To Study The Bible. R.A. Torrey. 1896. Hendrickson Publishers. 90 pages.
15. How to Pray. R.A. Torrey. 1900. Hendrickson Publishers. 82 pages.
16. The Holiness of God. R.C. Spoul. 1985. Tyndale. 280 pages.
17. Why One Way?: Defending an Exclusive Claim in an Inclusive World. John MacArthur. 2002. Thomas Nelson. 96 pages.
18. Joni. Joni Eareckson Tada. 1976. 224 pages.
19. Our Awesome God. John MacArthur. 1993/2001. Crossway Books. 176 pages.
20. Hope Rekindled. Tracie Peterson. 2011. Bethany House. 352 pages.
21. In Grandma's Attic. Arleta Richardson. 1974/2011. David C. Cook. 144 pages.
22.  More Stories from Grandma's Attic. Arleta Richardson. 1979/2011. David C. Cook. 144 pages.
23. How Huge the Night. Lydia Munn and Heather Munn. 2011. Kregel. 304 pages.
24. Pompeii: City On Fire. T.L. Higley. 2011. B&H Publishing Group. 368 pages.
25. Saint Training. Elizabeth Fixmer. 2010. Zonderkidz. 256 pages.
26. China Cry. Nora Lam with Richard Schneider. 1991. Thomas Nelson. 260 pages.
27.  Note to Self: The Discipline of Preaching to Yourself. Joe Thorn. Foreword by Sam Storms. 2011. Crossway Books. 144 pages.
28. Mirror Ball. Matt Redman. 2011. David C. Cook. 176 pages.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible


  1. Congrats on getting so much read! I loved Through Gates of Splendor -- have read it many times. I think my son just received Note to Self -- will have to take a look.

  2. Way to go on getting so much read! I read way more non-fiction than I usually do this time around too.

  3. Nice job! And I'm so glad to hear you liked Note to Self. That one's on my Kindle and it looks good -- I'm really looking forward to reading it. Thanks for being part of SRT '11!

  4. Oh my goodness, I remember the Grandma's Attic books - I loved those!
