Friday, April 8, 2011

Book Review: God Is Great: A Toddler's Bible Storybook

God is Great: A Toddlers Bible Storybook by Carolyn Larsen. Illustrated by Caron Turk. 2011. Crossway Publishers. 44 pages.

God is Great has seventeen short "stories" or "lessons" for parents (or grandparents) to share with the little ones in their lives. Eleven of these stories are from the Old Testament. Six of these stories are from the New Testament. These stories include: "God Makes Everything," "God Starts Over," "God Saves Joseph," "God Watches Over Moses," "God Gives the Ten Commandments," "God Makes the Walls Fall Down," "God Helps Sampson," "God Strengthens David," "God Uses Esther," "God Protects Daniel," "God Teaches Jonah," "God's Best Gift," "Jesus Feeds 5,000," "Jesus Teaches a Lesson," "Jesus Walks On Water," "Jesus Dies, But Not Forever," and "Jesus Gives Us A Job." 

It's a short book, perhaps not as comprehensive as The Big Picture Story Bible. But it is for a MUCH younger audience. Compared to books like Bible Stories for Girls and Bible Stories for Boys, it is quite refreshing. 

Each story is short and simple, a paragraph in length. One page for the story, one page for the illustration. (Though the illustration is often on both pages.) Each story concludes with a moral or lesson. Or perhaps principle is the better word? These include statements such as: God was here in the beginning! God hates sin. God's plan always happens. God protects his children. God guides us in how to live. God keeps his promises! God gives second chances. Nothing is too hard for God! God uses people. God's power is over all! God is patient. God's gift of love is Jesus. God cares about our needs. God is love. God is always with you. God has victory over death. God gives us strength! 

Here is the story "Jesus Dies, But Not Forever"

Jesus Dies, but Not Forever
Matthew 27:45-28:15, Mark 15:33-16:8; Luke 23:26-24:12; John 19:16-21
Jesus died on the cross. 
Some bad people put him there.
Jesus let them do it because he loves all people.
He took our punishment for the bad things we do.
Jesus' friends buried him.
But the story wasn't over.
God brought Jesus back to life!
God is more powerful than anything else, even death!

God has victory over death!
While I can't say that I loved this one--that I loved, loved, loved it, I did like it. I am glad to know that there are Bible story books available for even the youngest children. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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