Sunday, February 28, 2010

March Mini-Challenge: Praise the Lord!

I thought this month's mini-challenge could be a little different. I thought I would challenge myself--challenge us all--to devote more time to praising God. I've been reading through Psalms--that's the book I'm teaching from this past month--and praise is everywhere! David (and the other psalmists) were for praising God when times were good, when times were bad, when times just were. There was no situation that couldn't be turned into an opportunity to praise God.

For me, this means listening to praise music. To trying to find time to be in the moment with God. I'll be trying to create a praise-and-worship environment for thirty minutes a day all month long. You can set your own goals for the challenge if you choose to join in.

I'll try to write a few posts about my favorite praise songs throughout the month as well.

Sunday Salon: Week In Review (February 21-27)

This week I read...

Psalms 111-129 in the NASB Bible
March 23-27 in the NIV Daily Chronological Bible

ON an unrelated note, did you read Ruth this month? If you were part of this mini-challenge, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I was able to read Ruth twice. And I squeezed in a wonderful-wonderful book by John Piper that studied Ruth practically verse by verse.

I also shared a review of The Road Home by Tommy Tenney. A modern-day novel inspired by the book of Ruth.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

February Favorites

These are my top reads of February.

Abigail. Jill Eileen Smith.
The Country House Courtship. Linore Rose Burkard

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Book Review: Abigail

Abigail. Jill Eileen Smith. 2010. February 2010. Revell. 368 pages.

Rumor has it David is in the area not far from here.

I've always been drawn to Old Testament History. Especially to the books 1 and 2 Samuel. So when I learned that Jill Eileen Smith was writing novels about David's wives, I was excited--very excited! And I was looking forward to Abigail even more than Michal, the first in the series!

Abigail did not disappoint. Not at all. I was drawn to her story immediately. The biblical story of Abigail begins in 1 Samuel 25. We learn that she was both discerning and beautiful. (25:3) Smith's Abigail is that--and more. Smith has, of course, done much more with the story than that. She has given Abigail a family, a back story, complete with doubts and fears and worries. What was it like to be married to Nabal? What was it like to be married to David? What was it like to be married to a man with other wives? What were those relationships with the other women like? How difficult would it be to love a man so completely and yet have only a part of him?

This novel spans a handful of years--from David's life on the run and in exile to his being crowned king in Judah.

I definitely loved this one and would recommend it!

Available February 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday Salon: Week In Review (February 14-20)

This week I read...

March 19-22 in the NIV Daily Chronological Bible
Psalms 90-110 in the NASB Bible

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Book Review: Out With The In Crowd

Out With The In Crowd by Stephanie Morrill. 2010. [January 2010] Revell. 252 pages.

All winter break, I'd planned for this moment, the one about to happen.

Skylar Hoyt may be beautiful--her mom is Hawaiian--and popular, but that doesn't mean her life is perfect. Far from it. A senior in high school, Skylar should be preparing for college, making plans for living her own life. Instead, Skylar is spending most of her time worrying about her family. Her younger sister, Abbie, is pregnant. And her mom and dad are separated and talking divorce. Add to the mix some seriously complex and conflicted relationships with her friends, and it's no wonder Skylar is feeling lost.

There is just something so high school about Out With The In Crowd. Here are just a few of the complications in Skylar's life: Eli--her ex-boyfriend; Jodi--her ex-best-friend, and the current girlfriend of Eli; and Connor, her current boyfriend, but Jodi's ex-boyfriend. Of course, that's just the very beginning...

Out with the In Crowd is the second novel in the series. Me, Just Different is the first. (I haven't read it.)

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Friday, February 19, 2010

Faith 'n' Fiction Saturday: Not Recommending

What keeps you from recommending a book? Poor writing? Poor theology? Explicit sex? Profanity? Violence? Inappropriate subject matter? Are there any books you love so much you would recommend them to anyone or does each recommendation you make take the person you are recommending the book to into consideration?
What keeps me from recommending a book differs from situation to situation. It could be a Christian book I'm hesitant about recommending to a more general, more secular audience. It could be a secular book I'm hesitant about recommending to a Christian audience. I think there are certain things that are "offensive" to the other. For example, if I'm going to recommend a Christian book for a wider audience, a more secular audience, then I'm going to want it to be the best-of-the-best. I want it to be well-written. I want it to be complex. I want the characters to feel real, the situation to feel authentic. I don't want flimsy cardboard characters. I don't want sermonizing. I don't want the reader to feel preached at. I don't want the reader to think that I am using a book to preach at them.

On the other hand, there are some wonderful, wonderful books--"secular" books published by mainstream publishers either for the young adult or adult audience--that I think are worth reading. I think Christians could/should be willing to read wider. In some ways. Not all ways. Not too much, too soon. I think I would just be honest and say this book does have x, y, z. But it's still a really good book. You might like it.

Like Speak is a book that I would recommend to just about anybody. I think it has something to say to readers of (almost) all ages.

I do love recommending books to my friends. I love "spotting" books that I think they may like. I've been known to check out library books with others in mind. Thinking that if I read it and tell them about it, that they'd be more likely to pick it up at some point. Sometimes I finish a book and have a list in my head of people (often bloggers or online friends) who I think would like it.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Book Review: The Country House Courtship

The Country House Courtship. Linore Rose Burkard. 2010. Harvest House. 287 pages.

Mr. Peter O'Brien felt surely he had a devil plaguing him, and the devil's name was Mr. Phillip Mornay.

I enjoyed this one very much. It is the third in a series of Regency Romances by Linore Rose Burkard. The first being Before the Season Ends and the second being The House in Grosvenor Square. It has been several years since Ariana Forsythe has married the oh-so-charming, and once-so-intimidating Mr. Phillip Mornay--years which have seen the birth of two children. When the book opens, the reader sees the once embittered (now repentant) former suitor of Miss Ariana. Mr. O'Brian. A curate. He's had to humble himself a bit in seeking a job interview with his former rival. What he was not expecting was to arrive at the Mornay's country estate to find Miss Ariana's younger sister there for an extended stay. The now-almost-fully-grown-and-ready-to-be-wooed younger sister. The story of The Country House Courtship is her story. Miss Beatrice's story. Will Beatrice and Peter make a match? Or will Beatrice be fooled by the dashing Tristan Barton?

If you're a fan of Regency romances--clean Regency romances--consider Linore Rose Burkard. The Country House Courtship is probably my favorite of the three!

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Book Review: Noah's Bark

Noah's Bark. Stephen Krensky. Illustrations by Roge. 2010. [April 2010] Lerner Publishing. 32 pages.

Long, long ago, when people were still few and far between, the world was full of confusing sounds. Mostly, the animals made it that way. They were loud and silly and said whatever came into their heads.

Beavers crowed when the sun came up. Snakes quacked in distress. Pigs howled at the full moon. And mighty elephants hissed in fear.

This is one very silly book. It's a book that showcases animal sounds. (It's a nonreligious spin on Noah's ark.) One that focuses on animals, animal sounds, and the disorder that could arise from having so many animals in such a tight space.

The writing was funny. (If humor is what you're going for in the story of the flood.) There were some great lines that really worked:

Down below, the animals were crowded together, trying to keep their pointy parts to themselves.
This is a cute story about "how" animals got their sounds and learned to cooperate under difficult circumstances.

I could see this one being great to share with little ones who giggle about animal sounds and noises in the first place.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Book Review: We're All In The Same Boat

We're All In The Same Boat. Zachary Shapiro. Illustrated by Jack E. Davis. 2009. Penguin. 32 pages.

It rained and it rained. It rained so much that Noah had to build an ark to protect all the animals.

As much as I like the story of Noah. I can be a bit of a harsh critic when it comes to picture-book-Noah's. But. I did like this one. I liked it for what it was. A playful story showcasing the animals and the alphabet. And manners. I shouldn't forget that element of the story! (Don't expect God and his grace (or man and his sinfulness) to enter into this one. It's not a religious story.)

What do I mean when I say that it showcases the alphabet? Shapiro's text is playful. What were the animals on the ark like during these days and nights of relentless rain???

The ants were antsy.
The bees were bored.
The camels were complaining.
The dogs were demanding.
The elephants were enraged.
The foxes were frantic.
What was it like to be Noah? To be this Noah? It's no wonder that he has to yell and shout, "We're all in the same boat!" Can Noah make these animals behave? Can he turn the mood of this boat around?

It's a playful book. A silly book. I can appreciate it for that.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Monday, February 15, 2010

Book Review: The Road Home

Tenney, Tommy & Mark Andrew Olsen. 2007. The Road Home. Bethany House.

This book is a 'modern retelling of Ruth's ancient story.' And while I had a few reservations about it before I began reading it, I must say that overall I really enjoyed this one. The names are the same--Ruth, Naomi, Orpah, Boaz in this retelling. Ruth and Orpah are from Las Vegas. Ruth is the daughter of migrant farm workers. She spent a good many years in foster care after being sexually abused in her own home. In her adulthood, she worked as a cocktail waitress. Orpah, well, she's an exotic dancer. First of all, this is a story within a story. The opening lets us see Ruth as an old woman looking back on her life--all the people and places she's known. She's passing down her legacy in a way through telling this story. But this narrative really just opens and closes the novel. The majority of the book is set in modern-day America. The book really begins when Ruth and Orpah lose their husbands in quick succession. The three women are devastated, and a new plan is formed. Naomi wants to go back home to her Mennonite community. Ruth wants to go with her. You know how the story goes. Ruth and Naomi set out on a wild road trip. They barely have enough money, and their car...well, it's beyond old. It would take a miracle for the two to arrive safely. Along the journey, Ruth and Naomi share some good times--good talks--about life, about death, about heartaches and disappointments. Can the two women find a way to start over?

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Salon: Week In Review: February 7-13

This week I read

Ruth in the NASB Bible
Psalms 81-90 in the NASB Bible
March 8-18 in the NIV Daily Chronological Bible

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Faith 'n' Fiction Saturday: Purpose

Amy's question this week, what's the purpose of Christian fiction?

Amy asks another good question this week. What is the purpose of Christian fiction?! I think each author has a different purpose in mind for his/her own books. And author intent is semi-important to consider after all!

Is the purpose just to entertain? Is the purpose to share the gospel story? Is the purpose to show that having a personal relationship with God is important? Is the purpose to share truths about human nature?

I think some authors can integrate 'messages' better than others. I think some writers can become a bit (uncomfortably so in some places) preachy. And it isn't so much what is being said as to how it's being said. If that makes any sense. I think it needs to feel authentic, feel organic to the story. A complex story with complex characters, with very human characters asking very human questions, can go a few places that more shallow, more generic, more flimsy ones cannot.

Personally, what I'm looking for in Christian fiction--and in all fiction--is humanity. I want complex characters. To be human is to be so many things. A bit messed up, a bit confused, a bit frustrated, a bit questioning perhaps. A mix of good and bad, of strengths and weaknesses. You can present strong Christian characters without having them be perfect. Because to be perfect is foreign to humanity. If your character isn't struggling with something--be it big or small or in between--the story doesn't feel authentic, it most likely feels boring. That 'struggling with something' doesn't have to be a biggie--the character doesn't have to be struggling with whether or not God exists, or whether God loves them, or whether God can forgive even them; though those are all acceptable struggles, natural ones I mean. There just needs to be something going on in the book.

(I don't necessarily think I read Christian fiction with the intent to learn about God. Because, to be honest, fiction is fiction. I think the best place to learn about God is in the Bible, the Word. It is God-breathed. And you can't get better than that.)

I think I'm also looking to be entertained. I won't lie. It's nice to find historical romance that is clean. Books that show you don't have to go there (be smutty, be graphic, whatever you want to call it) in order to be romantic; in order to be satisfying. But a book doesn't have to be "Christian" to do that. Take Georgette Heyer's works, for example. I don't remember much mention of God anywhere in her texts. But. They are clean books. Outstanding, wonderful, amazing, oh-so-satisfying romances that are safe for anyone to read.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Book Review: A Sweet and Bitter Providence

A Sweet and Bitter Providence: Sex, Race, and The Sovereignty of God. John Piper. 2010. Crossway. 160 pages.

Long subtitle for a great little book. What is this one about? It's a book about another short--but great--book. The book of Ruth. From the Old Testament. It's an analysis of that book. Chapter by chapter. Piper explores the Bible story and provides his insights into the book's significance. He is looking for universal themes, looking for ways to make Ruth's story (and Boaz's story, and Naomi's story, etc.) relevant to you and your life. One of the more obvious reasons why this story is so significant is because Ruth and Boaz's child is part of Christ's genealogy. God brought Ruth, a Moabite woman, into the heritage, the lineage, of Jesus Christ. Is Piper successful with his arguments? I think so. I think he makes quite a few good points. (I almost wish he hadn't subtitled it though.)

As a means to that end--and everything is a means to glorifying Christ--the book of Ruth reveals the hidden hand of God in the bitter experiences of his people. The point of this book is not just that God is preparing the way for the coming of the King of Glory, but that he's doing it in such a way that all of us should learn that the worst of times are not wasted. They are not wasted globally, historically, or personally.
When you think he is farthest from you, or has even turned against you, the truth is that as you cling to him, he is laying foundation stones of greater happiness in your life. (24)

The book does stress the sovereignty of God. And I loved it for that reason. I did. I think there aren't enough books--can't be enough books--telling modern readers this absolute truth, this very fundamental, very biblical truth.

What did I appreciate in this one? How rich it is in Scripture! In truth! I also loved how accessible it is to readers. I'll admit it can be a bit intimidating to pick up Christian nonfiction. One never knows how it's going to be. If it's going to be something you can understand, something you can grasp, or if it's going to be written in such a way that it feels like its going miles over your head. (If you're going to drown in footnotes and Greek words.) This Piper book is reader-friendly. That doesn't mean it's fluff--far from it. The truths are just as deep, as substantive, but it's also written to be understood.

Throughout the book, Piper references "God Moves In A Mysterious Way" by William Cowper. I don't believe he ever shares it in full. And so I thought I'd share that here as well.

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs
And works His sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.

Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Monday, February 8, 2010

Book Review: Your God Is Too Small

Your God Is Too Small. By J.B. Phillips. (1952) 2004. Simon & Schuster. 128 pages.

No one is ever really at ease in facing what we call "life" and "death" without a religious faith. The trouble with many people today is that they have not found a God big enough for modern needs.

J.B. Phillips' Your God Is Too Small first deconstructs God in order to reconstruct him for modern readers. That is he first sets about showing how common misconceptions of God--some modern ideas, others not so modern at all--hinder people from really believing in God. The first half of the book attempts to break down these false ideas. He categorizes things nicely giving examples throughout. The second half of the book seeks to reconstruct God for the reader. To show that the real God, the true God is nothing like people have imagined him to be.

What did I think of this one? Well, it's short. But perhaps not as direct as it could be, should be. His arguments lacked appeal to me. Perhaps because he was hoping to reach a wider audience? An audience of skeptics maybe? Or was he trying to do too much in general? I found this one to be clumsy in the second half. The book, while short, seemed very heavy, very burdened in these last pages. I wouldn't say that his arguments were completely ineffective. But I would say that he was trying to be a bit too philosophical perhaps. With his talk of absolutes like truth and beauty and goodness. I'm also not sure I agree with his theology. Not completely anyway. Perhaps words have taken on different meanings, different associations since this one was written?

I did like the title, Your God Is Too Small. And I was hoping that this would be a good book showing how the God of the Bible is anything but small. I was hoping that this would be a bit more focused on God's attributes. Talk about who God is, how He has revealed himself to us, and talk about how incredible and amazing it is that we get to have a relationship with Him. I found this one to be sadly lacking in Biblical references, in the Biblical framework. I was hoping somewhere within this one was the message that if you want to know God, if you want to be in a relationship with God, read the Bible.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Book Review: Anything But Normal

Anything But Normal. Melody Carlson. 2010. [January 2010] Revell. 254 pages.

I wasn't crazy about the title of this one. I think normal is a loaded word, and it's one I try to avoid when possible. I think it's a word that can be packed with a lot of judgment. And sometimes these are judgments we place on ourselves. And sometimes these are judgments others place on us. But. I guess that's a whole other story.

What is this one about? Well, it's about a Christian teen becoming pregnant. While she's away at a Christian summer camp. It's about the lies she tells herself, and the lies she tells others. It's about guilt and shame. It's about judging and misjudging others. It's about how words can hurt. Just as much as actions. At times.

Sophie, our heroine, is so ashamed of her "condition" that she denies the pregnancy altogether. Keeping one big secret from her family, from her friends, from her church, from her classmates. Sophie has some judgmental friends. No question about that. And some of these judgmental friends have judgmental parents. They've been raised that being right is more important than being loving. Her friends are callous, in my opinion, and so is Sophie in a way. Especially in the beginning. There were times when I thought that every single person was missing the big picture, being so fundamentally clueless. But. Sophie does begin to change. Mostly.

I thought this novel was a bit clumsy in places. And I don't know how quite to explain what I mean by clumsy. I think it was definitely an issue novel. Sometimes it was a quiet issue novel; sometimes it was a loud and demanding ISSUE NOVEL. There were a few elements in the plot that I found a little unbelievable. (I'm thinking of the sudden uproar of protest against the school's pregnancy center; the angry parents demanding this and that and calling for town meetings, etc. And then with one little speech from Sophie, all is made well again. Not only has the uproar blown over, there is now so much love and support that many now want to volunteer at the pregnancy center.)

Do I think the subject matter important? Yes. Of course I do. I think teen pregnancy is an important issue. I think more needs to be said than "it's bad" and "don't do it." I think it's important to show unconditional love. That becoming pregnant as a teen, out of wedlock is not the unforgivable sin. It's not something outside of grace. Grace and love extend to both mother and child.

Available January 2010 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Reading Ruth Challenge

The challenge for February is to read the book of Ruth. It's a short book, but a good one! I hope you can join me.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Sunday Salon: Week in Review (January 31-February 6)

This week I read

March 1-7 in the NIV Daily Chronological Bible
Psalms 62-80 in the NASB Wide Margin Bible

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Book Review: Sunday Is For God

Sunday Is For God. By Michael McGowan. Illustrated by Steve Johnson and Lou Fancher. 2010. January 2010. Random House. 40 pages.

Weekdays are for school. Saturday's for having fun. But Sunday is the Lord's day. Sunday is for God. That's what Momma says.

I really enjoyed this one. A sweet story focused on faith and family. A story about making God and family a priority in our lives. Our narrator is a young boy with a big heart. He may not love getting dressed up, wearing clothes that make him uncomfortable, but he does love God. This is a picture book that is rich in detail. I was surprised actually to see just how much detail is incorporated into this one. From the choir singing

Yes, we'll gather at the river
The beautiful, the beautiful river

to the congregational singing of

Praise God from whom all blessing flow,
Praise Him, all creatures here below...


We're marching upward to Zion,
The beautiful city of God
There are also readings from the Bible. Snippets of verses here and there. Things that feel right, feel natural.

I loved how these details involve all the senses. The way things are described, you can almost hear, see, touch, taste and smell everything.

Before we know it, Momma has Baby fed and dinner on the table. It's fried chicken and gravy and mashed potatoes and greens and corn bread, and it's all ready at the same time and it's all hot. The grown-ups drink iced tea. Brother asks for tea too, but Momma says no, so all the kids get ice water, like always. Papaw says grace, and he makes sure to get everybody in.
There's just something right about this one. Though Mom was a *bit* skeptical that "Momma has Baby fed and dinner on the table. It's fried chicken and gravy... it's all ready at the same time and it's all hot."

Loved the illustrations of this one. They complement the text well. And they help create the right tone, atmosphere for this family-friendly, faith-friendly picture book.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Faith 'n' Fiction Saturday: Why Read Fiction

Amy's asking us yet another good question this week:

Today we're going to discuss why Christians should read fiction. If you are a lover of fiction, it's no doubt that you're heard all sorts of arguments against spending time reading it. In fact, a commenter just this week on my blog said she's heard it referred to as emotional porn. The very concept of Christian fiction had a huge battle to face in conservative circles and is, in my opinion, still facing those battles in its attempts to grow. Is there any value in reading fiction for Christians? Why are some people so resistant to the idea of reading fiction? If you DON'T read fiction, why don't you read it? (Please keep in mind we are talking about ALL fiction and not just Christian fiction)
I think all types of reading have value. Not just fiction. Not just nonfiction. I think having both in your life is good, is important. Almost like a well-balanced diet, if you will. You can't live by bread alone.

I've never been one to dismiss fiction, to undervalue its worth, its purpose. So the idea that there are readers out there who look down their noses (if you will) at others who read fiction is a bit of a new concept to me. Perhaps because most of the readers in my life love fiction as much as I do. And those in my life that aren't readers, don't understand the fascination, the obsession with reading in general. Not just fiction. But reading at all.

I grew up (for the most part) surrounded by readers. And so reading for pleasure--for pure pleasure--was something that came natural, felt right, to me. Yes, I enjoy a good nonfiction book now and then. Sometimes I exercise my reading-to-learn muscles. But I think you can learn by reading fiction. Maybe not in the exact same way. Maybe you have to be a little more careful in how you process what you read. But I'd argue that you have to be even more careful in how you process nonfiction books. Especially, especially in how you process Christian nonfiction books.

I'm not quite sure how to approach this topic. But. I'll try to be coherent. (I hope!)

Reading gives me something to think about, something to write about, something to talk about. Reading helps me connect with others. With my family. With my friends. With my online friends.

The best books--regardless of publishers, regardless of labels--are those with complex characters that engage the reader on multiple layers. Books that make you think. Books that make you feel. Books that make you question perhaps. Books that leave an impression, make an impact.

I think most of what I read has some value. (Maybe the equivalent of a candy bar at times.) But I think almost all of it has something of value, of worth. Even if that something is just to illustrate the world's fallenness, its brokenness, its need for a Savior. I just finished a book actually that was about the meaninglessness of life, of the brokenness of humanity, of feeling hopeless and it had characters making really poor choices. And I didn't like what I was reading. Not really. Yet now that I think back on it, I see that those characters just had really big God-shaped holes. They were men and women living in darkness. They, of course, didn't realize their need for a Savior, didn't realize that there was someone who could save them, who could love them, who could redeem their lives from the ugly brokenness and the messy muck they had gotten themselves into. But I could. Of course I really really doubt that that was the author's intent. But still. If you bring God with you into the reading experience, you can get something (be it big or small) from it.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

Monday, February 1, 2010

Book Review: A Small Child's Book of Prayers

A Small Child's Book of Prayers. Illustrated by Cyndy Szekeres. 2010. [January 2010] Scholastic. 24 pages.

This one is a collection of small poems (prayers) that would be appropriate for reading and sharing with young ones. You may even choose to teach your little ones a few of these at some point. (They do vary in length and simplicity.) A few of these may be familiar to you.

A Child's Grace

Thank You for the world so sweet,
Thank You for the food we eat,
Thank You for the birds that sing,
Thank You, God, for everything.

Edith Rutter Leatham.
I'm not particularly in love with the illustrations. But I do think they're nice. (They feature little animals wearing clothes.)

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible