February Accomplishments:
- Wrote a post recommending 'activities' for Lent
- February's Scripture Chain is inspired by the hymn "Love Lifted Me."
- Continued journaling, which may not seem like an accomplishment, but as Mark Twain wrote, starting a journal is the easy part, sticking with it and 'finishing' it is near to impossible.
- Created a "Live Like You're Loved" playlist; I'm contemplating hosting a "Live Like You're Loved" event/challenge, maybe for the month of April?! Let me know if you'd be interested in hearing more about this. Video Link: Official Lyric Video, Hawk Nelson's Live Like You're Loved.
- Discovered the Gentle Reformation blog.
What I've read in the Bible this month:
KJV- 1 Samuel
- 2 Samuel
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings
- 1 Chronicles
- 2 Chronicles
- Job
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Lamentations
- Hosea
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk
- Zephaniah
- Haggai
- 1 John
- 2 John
- 3 John
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Psalms 13-
- Psalms 13-23
- Mark
- Galatians
Favorite verse:
You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will receive me to glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. Psalm 73:24-25
Books I've reviewed this month:
Christian Fiction- The Prophetess. Jill Eileen Smith. 2016. Revell. 368 pages. [Source: Review copy] BIBLICAL FICTION
- Judges and Ruth: God in Chaos. Barry G. Webb. 2015. Crossway. 304 pages. [Source: Review copy] BIBLE COMMENTARY
- Is God Anti-Gay? And Other Questions About Homosexuality, the Bible and Same-Sex Attraction. Sam Allberry. 2013/2015. Good Book Co. 93 pages. [Source: Gift] CURRENT ISSUES
- I am N: Inspiring Stories of Christians Facing Islamic Extremists. Voice of the Martyrs. 2016. David C. Cook. 304 pages. [Source: Review Copy] CURRENT ISSUES
- Valley of Vision: A Collection of Prayers and Devotions. Arthur Bennett. 1975. Banner of Truth. 223 pages. [Source: Gift] DEVOTIONAL, POETRY, CHRISTIAN CLASSIC
- Christ Among Other Gods. Erwin Lutzer. 1994/2016. Moody. 256 pages. [Source: Review copy] CURRENT ISSUES, CHRISTIAN LIVING,
- Best of A.W. Tozer (#1) A.W. Tozer. Compiled by Warren Wiersbe. 1978/2007. 251 pages. [Source: Bought] DEVOTIONAL, CHRISTIAN LIVING
- Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon (Thru the Bible #21) J. Vernon McGee. 1977/1996. Thomas Nelson. 192 pages. [Source: Gift from Friend] BIBLE COMMENTARY
- A Tale of Two Sons: The Inside Story of a Father, His Sons, and a Shocking Murder. 2008. Thomas Nelson. 221 pages. [Source: Gift] CHRISTIAN LIVING,
- The Whole Christ: Legalism, Antinomianism, and Gospel Assurance--Why the Marrow Controversy Still Matters. Sinclair B. Ferguson. 2016. Crossway. 256 pages. [Source: Review copy] THEOLOGY, CHRISTIAN LIVING
- Pleasing God. R.C. Sproul. 1994. Tyndale. 234 pages. [Source: Bought] CHRISTIAN LIVING, THEOLOGY
- PROOF: Finding Freedom Through the Intoxicating Joy of Irresistable Grace. Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones. 2014. Zondervan. 224 pages. [Source: Bought] CHRISTIAN LIVING, THEOLOGY
Christ’s commitment to his people does not depend on our capacity to remember, but on God’s capacity to sustain us and preserve us. It depends on a covenant that has been engraved in flesh and confirmed in blood. ~ Daniel Montgomery and Timothy Paul Jones, Proof
Dedication is not something you talk about; dedication to Christ is something you reveal. It will be manifested in your life. If your eye is upon Him, then His beauty will be reflected in you. ~ J. Vernon McGee, Song of Solomon© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible