Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Book Review: Hope Underground

Hope Underground. Carolos Parra Diaz. As told to Mario Veloso & Jeanette Windle. 2011. Imago Dei Books. 191 pages.

Planet Earth holds few places less conducive to human habitation than the Atacama Desert.

The full title of this one is Hope Underground: the 34 Chilean Miners: A Story of Faith and Miracles. 

Underground Hope is a compelling read! A quick read too. Even if you know the happy ending, you may just find yourself wanting to know the behind-the-scenes story of how God was working and moving during this crisis.

The story is told from a Christian perspective, of course. By a man who ministered and served a community in great need. Readers get a little of his background and learn how he came to be there during this time, during this crisis. Readers also learn of his projects. For example, he gave away copies of the Bible to each of the miners' families. And once the miners were found, he began a project to get bibles--tiny Bibles--down to the miners.

The book talks about how prayer and Bible-reading helped bond the community together. How God's presence was felt above and below ground.

I do recommend this one.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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