Saturday, October 10, 2009

Reflections (round-up)

Have you written up a post about your Bible reading lately? Have you reflected on any verses or passages? Have you written a post sharing your insights? Or possibly even your thoughts and questions and doubts? How about a post sharing your hopes and struggles as a Christian? Your praises and prayers? As I was visiting the list of participants this past week--remember, I was trying to update the list and keep it current--I noticed that quite a few of you do write these types of posts. Part reflection. Part meditation. And yes, rambling posts are allowed too. (I do a bit of rambling myself at times. Especially in person!) Anytime you write a post about the bible where you ponder what it means or what it means to you or for you, I want you to be able to share that link with the group. So tentatively speaking at least, I thought I could round-up these posts every month. Typically, I'd post around the first of the month and leave McLinky open for a full month. That way, you can add links throughout the month.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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