First sentence: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Start date: September 17, 2024
End date: November 25, 2024
Things you should know about this Bible:
It features the text of the New American Standard Bible, the 1977 text edition.
It is out of print. It was printed in the early 1980s.
It is NOT a rainbow study bible though it does seem to have some similarities.
It is single column, black letter.
It has interconnected references to four major Bible themes, each identified by a capital letter (G,J,H,S) and a color code. Grace is color coded red. Judgement is color coded blue. Holiness is color coded yellow. Sin is color coded gray.
Verses that touch upon these four themes appear highlighted in that color. (Much like the rainbow study bible would later do)
But the chain references also are coded to 107 different topics. These are separate topics from the main four themes. Most topics try to reference something from each of the four.
In addition to the chain references on the (left side of page) there are cross references (on the right side of page).
There are also translation notes.
789 bottom of the page commentary/observations that can "kickstart" devotions.
There are a handful of charts, maps, indexes, concordances, etc.
Did I use all the features in my read through? No. I didn't really learn the system and give it full commitment to study using the chain references.
I did read [roughly] half the bottom of the page references. Some were excellent. Others got me thinking but not necessarily in agreement.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the NASB 77. That is the main reason I thrifted this one.
My main issue with this one is that the font size is TINY and it is single column. The combination does not work well with my vision.
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