Wednesday, February 5, 2025

12. The Indigo Heiress

12. The Indigo Heiress. Laura Frantz. 2025. 416 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars, christian fiction, historical romance, clean historical romance]

First sentence: Amid the timeless silence of the verdigris parlor, Juliet remained seated in her Chippendale chair...for the third hour.

Premise/plot: The Indigo Heiress is set a few years previous to the American Revolution; it is set in Virginia AND Scotland circa 1774/75. Juliet Catesby and her sister Loveday star in this historical romance. Juliet has always felt that her sister Loveday was absolutely wonderful, beautiful, striking--everything a man could ever hope to have in a future wife. She's always felt a little less so in comparison. However, when a Scottish merchant, Leith Buchanan, comes a-calling [from Scotland] it is HER he wants. Though perhaps not the stuff of fairy tales. He is a widower looking for a marriage of convenience. He's looking for a good mother for his children, yes, but he's also thinking of how the marriage can benefit him and his business. The two have a mutual attraction that is obvious to everyone but themselves. How could she ever love him? How could he ever love her. Thus, of course, being "the last to know" in a predictable way.

I *do* have a weakness for marriage of convenience stories. 
I definitely have a SUPER strong weakness for Scottish romantic leads.
I do LOVE historical romance.
I have loved so many of Laura Frantz' previous books.

I will say that this one suffers a bit here and there with pacing issues. I also either blinked and missed it OR the book lacks a little in the villain backstory development. In other words, I'm not sure I picked up on *why* the villains were the villains and why they were choosing to act that way? It was a little melodramatic at a point or two in a way that I never require. Still, I enjoyed it a great deal. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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