Thursday, July 12, 2012

Book Review: Finding God When You Need Him Most

Finding God When You Need Him Most. Chip Ingram. 2002/2007. Baker Books. 209 pages.

Some moments in our lives remain forever fresh. Like a scene from a movie embedded in our soul, we can recall with uncanny clarity every nuance of certain events that occurred years, even decades ago. 

I definitely benefited from reading Chip Ingram's Finding God When You Need Him Most. The teachings found in this one are timeless and ever-relevant. The teachings are drawn from Psalms, so  perhaps that isn't a big surprise. The specific Psalms taught in Finding God When You Need Him Most are Psalm 73, Psalm 23, Psalm 139, Psalm 77, Psalm 46, Psalm 51, and Psalm 90. Each chapter is straight-forward and reader-friendly. I love how each chapter is organized. Some are organized by life lessons, others by steps, etc. These lessons are built around Scripture. I also found it helpful that each chapter concludes with study questions.

The chapters:

  • When You Get a Raw Deal
  • In Times of Crisis
  • When You Feel Like a Nobody Going Nowhere
  • When You are Troubled and Depressed
  • When You are Gripped by Fear
  • When You've Blown It Big Time
  • In Times of Confusion
  • God Is With You Always

Favorite quotes:
One key to enjoying the life God wants you to have is to choose to believe what God says about you instead of what the world implies. I cannot overemphasize how important and pivotal it is that you learn to see yourself as God does. (82)
The biggest problem in our lives is not that God is mean or that he doesn't really care about us; the biggest problem comes from the fact that down deep in our hearts we are proud and self-sufficient. Most people want to be both the sheep and the shepherd. (56)
Knowing that God wants us to pour out our hearts to him frees us. (26)
There is nothing you can ever do to get God to love you any more than he does right now. There is nothing you can ever do to get God to love you less. Your performance is irrelevant when it comes to God's loving and accepting you. In light of that grace, what kind of person does God want you to be?
Whatever you aspire to be, you must make that a priority in your life. Then organize your time and activities to work toward those priorities. (185)
God is great. Life is short. Sin is serious. Wisdom is essential. Mercy is available. (191)
I would definitely recommend this one!!! It is rich in God's truth. I love its dependence on Scripture. And the insights are the good kind of challenging.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible


Sidne said...

this sounds pretty good. did you redo your page? its pretty, me like.
happy reading to you.

Amy @ Hope Is the Word said...

I LOVE to listen to Chip Ingram. My mother-in-law actually just gave us his book on spiritual warfare for a gift. Thank you for this review!