I love, love, love the NASB translation of the Bible. I do. But selection varies from small to almost nonexistent. Here are a few Bibles I'd love to to see published in the NASB.
ESV Six-Volume Readers Set |
CSB Five-Volume Readers Set |
NASB Readers Bible. I would love to see both a single-volume Readers Bible (without chapters and verses) and a six volume set. The single-volume edition because not everyone can afford premium Bibles. So long as the the paper is thick enough not to have major bleed through issues, it would be a great choice. The six volume edition because we're all entitled to dream about owning such a gem. High quality is a must.
ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible |
NASB Creeds and Confessions Bible. I love, love, love, love, loved the ESV Creeds and Confessions Bible that released earlier in 2020. To see a similar Bible published in the NASB would be a true dream come true. The ESV edition came close to perfection in terms of font size and weight. It included the following creeds and confessions.
They include the Apostles Creed (ca. 200-400), the Nicene Creed (325), the Athanasian Creed (381), the Chalcedonian Definition (451), the Augsburg Confession (1530), the Belgic Confession (1561), the Articles of Religion (1563), the Canons of Dort (1618-19), the Westminster Confession (1646), the London Baptist Confession (1689), the Heidelberg Catechism (1563), the Westminster Larger Catechism (1647), and the Westminster Shorter Catechism (1647). The NASB could even improve upon the ESV if it chose to include these two creeds left out of the ESV: the Scots Confession (1560) and the Second Helvetic Confession(1566).
NASB Reformation Bible. I honestly wouldn't care if it was the Ligonier Reformation Study Bible (ESV and NKJV) OR if it was the Reformation Heritage Study Bible published by
Reformation Heritage (KJV). OR if it was a NEW publication with new notes, new articles, new essays, new book introductions, etc.
NASB Chronological Bible. I love to be able to read the NASB chronologically. I wouldn't mind if the arrangement followed along the lines of the CSB Day by Day Chronological Bible or the NIV Daily Bible. There are several chronological Bibles with study notes (NLT, NKJV, KJV). I don't care so much about the notes and special features...so long as the layout is good: nice paper and great font.
NASB Bible for Children/Teens/Students. There are so MANY choices for "children's Bibles" being published. I don't remember thoroughly looking over the NASB Children's Bible published in 2019--I do not own it. But it seems to be text only with just a few illustrations here and there. Yes, that might technically be a children's Bible--if illustrations are all you judge by. But I am talking about an actual Bible written for tweens and teens that has features: book introductions, study notes, articles and essays, profiles perhaps, charts and maps. The less gimmick the better. But solid, foundation-building grow-with-your-child-into-adulthood goodies. The NASB Student Bible published around 1999 was okay enough--but it had TURQUOISE TEXT. WHY?!?!?!?! I will never believe that a colored font would significantly encourage a teen to actually read the Bible more over a black font. But this one has long, long, long been out of print.
NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible; originally NIV Zondervan Study Bible |
NASB Biblical Theology Study Bible. This is a purely selfish request. Okay, all of them lean that direction a bit. But I would love, love, love to have this study Bible available in the NASB translation. I much prefer the NASB to the NIV 2011. From what I've read in it--I do own this one in the e-book--the notes and articles are great. The print book (of the NIV Zondervan Study Bible) has incredibly super-super-super tiny font. The large print isn't much better. But if the NASB could improve upon the design and layout...it would be absolutely wonderful. Surely I am not the only one who prefers the NASB to the NIV 2011?!
© Becky Laney of
Operation Actually Read Bible
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