Lessman, Julie. 2008. A Passion Most Pure. Revell.
"Sisters are overrated, she decided."
I don't know if I can do this one justice. Because while I enjoyed it, I found it a tiny bit uneven. There were scenes that had snap, crackle, and pop. They sizzled. Pure and simple. But in other places, I felt that it was all tell and no show. When she showed, man, did she show and then some. It was just incredible.
I felt it was both stereotypical and unique. If that makes sense. On the one hand, you've got scenes, conversations, plot twists that go where you'd never in a million years expect Christian romance to go--and not in an obscene or inappropriate way. But on the other hand, you'd have scenes that I felt were a tad too preachy. Places where I felt the Christian message got a bit heavy-handed.
It was predictable. But fun. What do I mean by predictable? Well, if you've ever watched a soap opera you can see all the plot twists coming. There were no big surprises along the way. You could guess each and every one. But is that a bad thing? Not really. If you like soap operas, you'll absolutely love A Passion Most Pure. It is appealing. It is delightful. It is fun. It's a novel that you can feel warm and cozy with. A novel that is satisfying. It was time well spent. And reading this one only made me want more.
This one is complex in a way. It is the story of two sisters who fall in love with the same man--not once, but twice! On two different continents! Charity is courting Collin McGuire. But her sister, Faith, has been crushing on Collin since before she was a teenager. Seeing him with her sister only magnifies her attraction to him. He's not doing anyone any favors when he "accidentally" kisses her--the wrong sister--now and then. Collin, it seems, is fighting off feelings for the older sister since his engagement to the younger. With the start of World War I, the family is off to Ireland. Faith in an attempt to get over Collin, begins seeing Mitch. The man she eventually becomes engaged to. But Mitch has an accident of his own with the wrong sister...and well...a big tangled mess is the result.
There are some pretty steamy scenes in this one. More than you might expect.
If I were to compare this one with Gone With The Wind--and you might start questioning my sanity, but go along with me here--Faith reminds me of Melanie. And Faith's sister, Charity, reminds me of Scarlett. Charity is the attention-getter. The manipulator. The boy-crazy, foolish one. The selfish one.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
1 comment:
I do in fact think of these books as total comfort/heart reads. And I love them. :)
Nice review, Becky. and GWTW was a huge influence on Julie!
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