From Does Prayer Change Things? (Crucial Questions) R.C. Sproul. 1998. Reformation Trust. 88 pages. [Source: Bought]
The Scriptures do not provide a similar
catalogue of the heroes of prayer, but such a list could be compiled
easily. Using the same format as does the writer of Hebrews, let us
examine a partial list of the accomplishments of prayer:
• By prayer, Esau's heart was changed toward Jacob, so that they met in a
friendly, rather than hostile, manner (Gen. 32).
• By the prayer of Moses, God brought the plagues upon Egypt and then
removed them again (Ex. 7-11).
• By prayer, Joshua made the sun stand still (Josh. 10).
• By prayer, when Samson was ready to perish with thirst, God brought
water out of a hollow place for his sustenance (Judg. 15).
• By prayer, the strength of Samson was restored. He pulled down the
temple of Dagon on the Philistines, so that those whom he killed as he
died were more than all he had killed in his life (Judg. 16).
• By prayer, Elijah held back the rains for three and a half years. Then
by prayer, he caused it to rain again (1 Kings 17-18).
• By the prayer of Hezekiah, God sent an angel and killed in one night
185,000 men in Sennacherib's army (2 Kings 19).
• By the prayer of Asa, God confounded the army of Zerah (2 Chron. 14).
Time would fail me to tell of Abraham, who prayed for and received a son
at the age of one hundred years; and Moses, who received help at the
Red Sea; and the Israelites, who were delivered from Egypt after much
prayer; and David, who escaped the treachery of Saul by prayer; and
Solomon, who received great wisdom as the result of prayer; and Daniel,
who was able to interpret dreams after prayer. People were delivered
from peril, healed from diseases, saw loved ones cured, and witnessed
innumerable miracles as the result of fervent prayer.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
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