Sunday, January 25, 2015

Book Review: Behold the King of Glory

Behold the King of Glory: A Narrative of the Life, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Russ Ramsey. 2015. Crossway. 240 pages. [Source: Review copy]

Looking for a book to read for Lent? You might want to consider reading Russ Ramsey's Behold the King of Glory. Ramsey retells gospel stories for his readers in forty chapters. The goal of this one, I believe, is to help readers grasp the big picture, to see how all the stories within the four gospels, come together to tell one story: an amazing story of a Savior and King.

It is slightly similar to John MacArthur's One Perfect Life. Slightly. One Perfect Life is made up of Scripture. The Scriptures have--at times--been rearranged or made more concise. But it seeks to give readers a big picture of who Jesus is from Genesis to Revelation. One Perfect Life is also twice as long as Behold the King of Glory.

Behold the King of Glory is a retelling: an informed retelling, no doubt. It is a retelling that seeks to bridge culture gaps and provide deeper context to contemporary readers. It is a substantive project. And it's a project that I can appreciate. The chapters are not short. The reading are not overly devotional. The readings are meaty, substantive, giving readers something to think about. Don't expect a novel. Don't expect a devotional book. It won't read like either type of book. It is not a paraphrase of Scripture. It is at all times reverent.

At times it is creative, imagining how people felt, what people saw, what people said, etc. At times it reads more like an introduction to a Bible book or a study note. But most of the time it is factual sticking closely to Scripture though not the wording of Scripture.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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