Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Book Review: The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses

The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses. Chris Bruno. 2015. Crossway. 144 pages. [Source: Library]

Ever since reading the title of this one--over six months before it was released--I've wanted to read this one; I've been excited to read it: full of curiosity. Which 16 verses would Bruno pick to tell the WHOLE story of the Bible? If I was to attempt to pick 16 verses, which would I pick? Would my choices line up with his? Can you really, truly make the message of the Bible that concise?!

I was not disappointed. It was a joy to read this one. And it's a quick read! Hopefully its conciseness will appeal to believers who are reluctant readers.

The book is a good choice for believers of all ages who haven't "mastered" the contents of the Bible, and, who want to know what it's all about it. That is most people, I imagine. For few, I imagine, would reckon themselves masters of the Word of God. If you've never read the Bible, or, if you've read the Bible two or three times, there's a good chance that this book will help you out either by teaching or refreshing.

So which 16 verses did he pick? The table of contents give it away!

Part 1 The Time is Coming

Part 2 The Time Has Come

Sixteen chapters on sixteen verses, each chapter is about five to six pages. Each chapter explains a verse and then provides context as to why it's significant in the message of the Bible--how it fits into the big picture of the Bible. Each chapter concludes with "key biblical theological themes" and "the story so far." The chapters build on one another, as you'd expect. By the end of the book, readers have a concise summary of the whole Bible.

The subject is a tricky one. Other books have tried--with varying success--to concisely give readers a big picture summary of the Bible. I've reviewed a handful of these in the past. I've also reviewed many children's bible story books. I think Bruno did a great job.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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