Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Voice of Truth Playlist

This (Spotify) playlist is titled Voice of Truth. The theme is Christ esteem--not to be confused with self-esteem. I wanted to create an encouraging, building-up playlist that focuses on who we are in Christ. I think it is easy to be discouraged/get discouraged and forget that simple truth--to forget who we are in Christ and what He has DONE. Yes, DONE. The Christian life isn't do, do, do, do, do, do, do to the point of exhaustion. It is DONE. Jesus paid it all. (Like all my spotify playlists, consider it a work in progress. I may add more songs in the coming weeks and months.)

I realize not everyone has a Spotify account (there is a free option), so I will choose a few of the songs and link to the YouTube video. 

Voice of TruthCasting Crowns
In Christ AloneNewsboys
Just As I Am Andrew Peterson
FlawlessMercy Me
Turn Your Eyes (Live)Sovereign Grace Music
My Worth Is Not In What I OwnKeith and Kristyn Getty
Who Am ICasting Crowns
Meant to BeSteven Curtis Chapman
Resting PlaceI Am They
Glorious Day (Living He Loved Me)Casting Crowns
Live Like You're LovedHawk Nelson
Fix My EyesFor King and Country
Be Kind To YourselfAndrew Peterson
Jesus Paid it AllFernando Ortega
ScarsI Am They
Before There Was TimeCaedmon's Call
Chain BreakerZach Williams
WordsHawk Nelson
More Than ConquerorsSteven Curtis Chapman
Found My FreedomI Am They
GreaterMercy Me
ThriveCasting Crowns
DeliveredI Am They
MadeHawk Nelson
Who You Say We AreSteven Curtis Chapman
You Are My King (Amazing Love)Newsboys
East to West Casting Crowns
Drops in the OceanHawk Nelson
Fear Is A LiarZach Williams
Remind Me Who I AmJason Gray
All That Was LostMichael Card
From the DayI Am They
Christ Our Hope In Life and DeathKeith and Kristyn Getty
All I Have Is ChristSovereign Grace Music
Wedding DayCasting Crowns
You Hold It AllNewsboys
No Longer SlavesI Am They
Finish What He StartedSteven Curtis Chapman
Mystery of MercyAndrew Peterson
Only HopeCaedmon's Call
His Mercy Is MoreMatt Boswell and Matt Papa
Christ Is AllMatt Boswell and Matt Papa
How Rich a Treasure We PossessMatt Boswell and Matt Papa
My Savior's LoveMatt Boswell and Matt Papa
Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless LoveMatt Boswell and Matt Papa
Christ the Sure and Steady AnchorMatt Boswell and Matt Papa
Christ Will Be My HideawaySovereign Grace Music
Rise Up (Lazarus)CAIN, Zach Williams

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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