Monday, October 4, 2021

Album Review: Sing the Bible Family Christmas

Album Title: Sing the Bible Family Christmas
Group/Artist: Slugs and Bugs (Randall Goodgame)
Release Date: 2017

Sing the Bible Family Christmas is musically influenced by the jazzy-jazz of Charlie Brown Christmas. But these just aren't any Christmas songs--jazz or no jazz. 

These are Scripture verses set to music, good music at that. 

In the Beginning, the lead track, for example is from the first chapter of the Gospel of John, John 1:1-14.
The second song, When The Fullness of Time Had Come is from Galatians 4:4-7
Unto Us A Child Is Born, Isaiah 9:6
Mary's Song comes from Luke 1:46-49. Joseph's Dream 
Joseph's Dream comes from Matthew 1:18-25. (In my opinion this one sounds very VeggieTales!!!)
O Little Town has an instrumental O Little Town playing in the background while a child reads Luke 2:8-12.
Glory To God in the Highest comes from Luke 2:14; Luke 2:10
Mary and Jesus is instrumental
Zechariah's Prophesy is from Luke 1:68-70.
Sing O Heavens is from Isaiah 44:23; it leads into a lively Go Tell It On the Mountain
Silent Night is  an instrumental "Silent Night" while a child reads Luke 2:15-20.
I Heard the Bells is just I Heard the Bells. Not a Scripture. 

I love, love, love all the Scriptures!!! I love the musical influences. None of the songs felt dinky. It was just enjoyable. I've listened to it several times already since discovering it last week. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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