22. How Can I Begin to Teach the Bible (9Marks) (Church Questions) David Helm. 2024. 64 pages. [Source: Library] [4 stars]
First sentence: This book is for anyone who wants to teach the Bible but doesn't know how to begin. It's also for those who are already teaching the Bible but don't know if they are doing it well.
This book is short. There's short, and then there's extremely short. As in why does this exist as a book instead of a free tract or blog article short.
The advice or tips are somewhat obvious and just common sense. For example you need to be confident. Confident that God is God is God. Confident that the Bible is the Word of God. Confident that the Holy Spirit will use you--even you--to accomplish his will. Confident that whatever happens, God's will will be done. Confident that God will answer prayers and that prayers are a must--for teacher and students.
Are there people teaching the Bible who needs these basic refreshers???? Probably. But those are the very people unlikely to pick up a book by Crossway.
Is everything super basic? Yes and no. The section on preparation is more practical and helpful, perhaps. But it is also the most challenging--the one that will require the most work for you to apply. The principles seem solid enough but will require you to put in six to eight hours of effort each week for whatever Scripture passage you'll be teaching. It is relatively easy to read the how-to basics of how to study Scripture and less easy to start actually digging *that* deep into Scripture.
The book concludes with a great message: You must always, always, always keep your listeners in mind. Have a precise goal in mind, follow an outline, and don't forget applications.