End Date September 21, 2010
Host: A Southern Daydreamer Reads
The books I am considering:

Perfectly Dateless by Kristin Billerbeck
Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon
The Sister Wife by Diane Noble
Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz
Serendipity by Cathy Marie Hake
Masquerade by Nancy Moser
What is the Gospel by Greg Gilbert
The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment by Tim Challies
Through His Eyes: God's Perspective of Women in the Bible by Jerram Barrs
What I Read For the Challenge:
1. What is the Gospel? by Greg Gilbert.
2. Magdalene. Angela Hunt
3. A Morning Like This by Deborah Bedford
4. When You Believe. Deborah Bedford
5. Perfectly Dateless: A Universally Misunderstood Novel. Kristin Billerbeck.
6. Touching the Clouds. Bonnie Leon.
7. The Sister Wife. Diane Noble.
8. Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz
9. Fancy Pants. Cathy Marie Hake.
10. The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment. Tim Challies.
11. Masquerade by Nancy Moser.
12. George Whitefield: God's Anointed Servant in the Great Revival of the Eighteenth Century. Arnold A. Dallimore.
13. The Devil in Pew Number Seven: A True Story. Rebecca Nichols Alonzo with Bob DeMoss.
14. Wildflowers of Terezin. Robert Elmer.15. Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope. Mary Beth Chapman. With Ellen Vaughn.
Hi Becky! I love the name of your blog! Your list...like mine...seems to be "considering to read"... I never know what I may actually end up reading!
nice list, looks liek you're off to a greta start already!
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