Monday, December 11, 2023

87. The Pine Tree Parable

The Pine Tree Parable. Liz Curtis Higgs. 1997. 36 pages. [Source: Library] [picture book]

First sentence: The farmer and his family grew all kinds of things all year 'round, like flowers, vegetables, and pumpkins. Their favorite things to grow were Christmas trees. "He plants a pine tree, and the rain makes it grow." Isaiah 44:14

Premise/plot: A family learns more about the true meaning of Christmas in this children's book. The farmer's wife--all the characters are nameless, not surprising since this one is aiming to be a parable--has reserved the absolute best pine tree for herself. Year after year the tree remains her pride and joy. It is not for sale. Others are for sale, I believe, and some are even free. When a poor family comes to the tree farm, the little girl falls in love with the gorgeous, amazing, not-for-sale tree, will the farmer's wife have a change of heart? 

My thoughts: This was definitely my first time reading The Pine Tree Parable. I think it's a solid story about the meaning of Christmas. I think there are many positive elements to the story. I don't know exactly that using this many verses out of context is to be praised offhand. But the story does flow nicely--out of context verses and all. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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