Welcome to the twenty-sixth edition of the Question of the Week. We're about at the halfway point of the year. So my question this week is a reflective one. Use this as a springboard for discussing whatever you'd like. You don't have to stick to these questions specifically.
How is your Bible reading going? Are you meeting the goals you set earlier in the year? If you chose to go with a Bible reading plan, how is that going for you? Are you sticking with it? Have you experienced any setbacks along the way? Have you made Bible-reading a habit, a discipline? What have you learned along the way? Do you have any words of wisdom you'd like to share?
My answers----------------
I note my Bible reading progress every Sunday in my Sunday Salon/Week In Review post. I also have progress-posts (see above) for each Bible. (For example, ESV Study Bible) I have completed the Wycliffe New Testament and the Tyndale New Testament. And I've read Genesis through Ruth in the ESV Study Bible (also Job).
That's sidestepping the question a teeny bit perhaps. I have incorporated Bible-reading into my daily life. It's become a natural part of my life now--part of my routine. So on the one hand, it's not something that I brush aside and make excuses for anymore. I don't have time. I'm too busy. Missing one day won't matter. I'm too stressed. I'll just double up tomorrow. I'll catch up on the weekend. Excuses are so easy to make. And I think it's human nature to make excuses.
So I'm pleased I've been able to make a lifestyle change. Believe me, a year ago, was not a pretty picture. Two years ago was tragic. Three years ago, I don't even want to think about. But it's a God thing, a grace thing. I don't take credit for it. Grace is so central to daily life. It keeps you grounded and keeps you alive.