Charles Spurgeon
Matthew 25:22-23
No man hath anything of his own, except his sins. We are but tenants at will. God hath put us into his estates, and he hath said, “Occupy till I come.”
Oh, that we were all wise to believe and to act upon this most evident of all truths, that everything we have we have received from the Most High.
Oh! for a spirit that bows always before the sovereignty of God.
God hath made everything beautiful, but everything full of variety.
God gives to some men but few talents, because he has many small spheres, and he would have these filled.
To some he gives two talents, because two are enough, and five would be too many. Once more: God gives to men two talents, because in them very often he displays the greatness of his grace in saving souls.
Remember, my hearer, that in the day of judgment thy account must be personal; God will not ask you what your church did — he will ask you what you did yourself.
When God comes to look into our hearts at last, he will not only look at the great but at the little; everything will be seen into, the pence sins as well as the pound iniquities — all must be brought against us, and an exact account given.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
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