Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Book Review: Crossroads Among the Gentiles

Crossroads Among the Gentiles. Elizabeth Raum. 2018. BJU Press (JourneyForth). 152 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence:
Journey 1
A Child of Samaria
Your little sister never walks; she runs. She collects pebbles and makes tiny houses for stick people. And she chatters constantly. No wonder Mama is tired.
Premise/plot: Crossroads Among the Gentiles is essentially a Christian choose-your-own adventure novel. It features three interactive stories: "A Child of Samaria," "Bartholomew's Younger Brother," and "Susanna's Daughter." All three stories are set in Bible times during the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Each story has multiple opportunities for little readers to make a decision and determine the course of the story.

My thoughts: I love the premise of this one. I do. I enjoyed reading choose your own adventure stories as a kid. I'd have loved to read ones set in Biblical times as a kid. So I'm happy to recommend these now for Christian families. (I believe this is the THIRD book in their series.)

I am pleased with the back matter as well. I appreciate the fact that the author provides a list of bible stories she used as sources--as inspiration--for each of the three stories. Readers can go straight to the source and read these verses and stories themselves.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Biblea

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