Thursday, June 6, 2024

32. Who Are You? A Little Book About Your Big Identity

Who are You? A Little Book About Your Big Identity.  Christina Fox. Illustrated by Daron Parton. 2024. 32 pages. [Source: Review copy] 

First sentence: Who are you? What really makes

Who Are You? is a Christian picture book for families to share with little ones. It asks a big question--a question that seems to be becoming bigger and bigger in recent years. The question? Who are you? What makes you you? Are you WHAT you do? Are you WHAT you like? Are you WHAT others say about you? Are you WHAT you feel? Are you WHAT you look like? NO, NO, NO. 

The picture book celebrates that humanity is made in the IMAGE OF GOD. We as humans have a CREATOR. Not just a creator--far, distant, aloof. But a LOVING, caring, faithful Creator who sent his son, his one and only Son, his only begotten Son, to die for us, to atone for our sins, to reconcile us with our Father in heaven. 

The book provides a Christian [biblical] answer to the question, who are you. It also touches on how knowing who we are--in Christ--impacts how we should live. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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