Saturday, November 15, 2014

Bible Review: MEV Thinline Bible

The Holy Bible: Modern English Version. Passio. 2014. Charisma Media. 1184 pages. [Source: Review Copy]

The publisher describes the MEV translation as being: clear, reverent, and accurate.

Clear: Literal translation (word for word, not thought for thought), with capitalized references of God. Historical facts and events are expressed without distortion. At the same time the translation is done in such a way that readers of all backgrounds may understand the message that the original author was communicating to the original audience.

Reverent: Every effort is made to ensure that no political, ideological, social, cultural, or theological agenda is allowed to distort the translation.

Accurate: The Scriptures are accurately translated without loss, change, compromise, embellishments or distortions of the meaning of the original text.

I've been reading in the MEV translation a little over a month now. I've shared my first impressions already.

Do I recommend this translation? Yes! I am really enjoying it. True, I wish that the font was a bit larger in the thinline version. I do. I hated that I had to squint to see the text depending on that day's vision. True, I really, really wish it was available as black letter instead of red letter. There probably are readers out there who are thrilled to see: WORDS OF CHRIST IN RED in the description of a Bible. I am NOT one of them. For two reasons mainly: 1) The whole Bible is God's Word. The whole Bible speaks of God, reveals God. All of it is inspired and infallible. All of it is worthy of attention. Words in red aren't extra-special or more-worthy than the rest. 2) Red ink is HARD on the eyes. It is. Red ink is much more difficult to make out than black on white. Especially if you have less-than-perfect vision. Especially if you have migraines. So reading all four gospels in a Bible with tiny print and red letter was extra-difficult for me. I did it. I'm glad I did it. I wanted to do it. But it was a struggle all the same. I do plan on reading the whole Bible in this translation. And I've got a good start in the New Testament!

Which books have I read in the MEV? Genesis, Exodus, Ruth, Psalms, Proverbs, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter,  2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, Revelation.

I'd love to see more options become available. I'd love to see it as an e-book. I'd love to see it in larger print. I'd love to see it in a study bible. But that will perhaps come in time.

I love reading the Bible in new translations, and new-to-me translations. I love seeing how favorite passages are translated. Each translation, I've found, has strengths and weaknesses. For example, a translation can be GREAT in Psalms, for example, but still perplexing in Hebrews! I like different translations for different books of the Bible.

One of my favorite things to do with a new translation is to read the preface. I always read prefaces in Bibles! They can be fascinating.
Today, realizing the need to update the King James Version for the twenty-first century, forty-seven scholars serving as professors, or chaplains to the Armed Forces of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and to the United States Armed Forces, comprising the Committee on Bible Translation under the leadership of the senior editorial advisor Dr. Stanley M. Horton and the chief editor Dr. James F. Linzey, have joined forces to produce a more updated edition of the King James Version called the Modern English Version, which is based on a modern English vernacular. The Modern English Version is a translation of the Textus Receptus and the Jacob ben Hayyim edition of the Masoretic Text, using the King James Version as the base manuscript. 
Sampling of verses in the MEV translation**:

**The first reftagger hover verse is in the ESV translation; that's what it is set to automatically. I did not add the words ESV because I didn't want to confuse anyone. The verses I typed out are from the MEV which is not currently available on Bible Gateway.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Daniel 3:18 and Malachi 2:16 are two of the passage that is translated wrong.