Sunday, January 8, 2017

Journaling Genesis #3

What can I learn from reading Genesis 4 and 5?

  • God blessed Adam and Eve with a family. Children are a blessing from the LORD. In Genesis 1:28 we get a hint of this. "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it."
  • Two offerings were presented to God. One was regarded; one was rejected. Abel presented an animal from his flock; Cain presented 'some of the land's produce' as an offering.
  • Cain was furious and despondent. He was hurt and angry that his offering--that he--was not acceptable, good enough for God. As if that wasn't enough, Abel was.
  • God sought out Cain and spoke to him. God asks Cain hard questions just as He had asked Adam and Eve hard questions. While Adam and Eve seemed to repent after this God-encounter, Cain hardened his heart. 
  • This first murder was premeditated.
  • Pride seems to be present here as well as anger and jealousy and resentment.
  • God seeks out Cain again. God speaks to him. again. God was not done pursuing Cain yet. More hard questions. Adam and Eve confessed and faced God. Cain still doesn't get it. God asked questions not to seek information but to give Cain an opportunity to "get it." An opportunity to repent, to confess, to humble himself.
  • Cain was punished justly by God. He did murder his brother. He deserved to be punished. Yet there was mercy mixed in with justice. Cain was marked--by God--so that he would not be killed in his wandering. God was also gracious to Cain by blessing him with a family of his own. He was not alone.
  • Adam and Eve had a son named Seth. The chapter ends with the idea that while some were wild and godless, others began to call on the name of Yahweh.

What can I learn from reading Genesis 5?

  • First lengthy genealogy of the Bible. It begins with a lesson--remember that God created man in his own image. Remember who made us and blessed us.
  • God blesses and keeps promises. He promised Eve that from her seed a Savior would come who would crush and devil and the works of the devil. General blessing about being fruitful and multiplying. Each generation would bring us closer and closer to a Savior.
  • Genesis 5:3 Adam fathered a son in his likeness, according to his image. Original sin. We are born "in Adam."
  • God blessed them with very long lives. Long life wouldn't always be seen as a blessing. 
  • Enoch is notable for walking with God and never having died--he was translated or "taken" by God.
  • Methuselah is notable not for a good relationship with God but because he lived 969 years.
  • Large families--generations almost unfathomable--living together or near each other. Could share knowledge, experiences, stories, wisdom. They could share what they knew about God, about what God has told them or commanded them, teach others how to show respect and fear of the LORD.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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