Monday, November 11, 2019

Book Review: Good News! God Made Me!

Good News! God Made Me! (Board Book) Glenys Nellist. 2019. Discovery House. 18 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence: Who made my fingers wiggle so? Who gave me ten cute toes? Who gave me eyes to peek at you? Who made my button nose? It's God who made my fingers five and counted out each toe. The good news is that God made me--and watches as I grow!

This is a board book for Christian parents (and grandparents) to share with the little ones in their lives. What you see is what you get--a super adorable board book highlighting God's creation and their uniqueness.

It's a lovely little book. I'm happy I got the chance to review it.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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