Charles Spurgeon
Isaiah 41:14
There are some preachers from whom you will never learn anything; not because they do not say much which is instructive, but because they just mention the instructive thought once, and immediately pass on to another thought, never expanding upon the second thought, but immediately passing on, almost without connection, to a third--just casting forth, as it were bare thoughts, without opening them up and explaining them to the people.
Now, brethren, suffer your thoughts for a moment to enlarge upon the fact, that the promise contained in this verse, “Fear not, I will help thee” (I will help thee), is a promise from Three Divine Persons.
Hear Jehovah, the everlasting Father, saying, “I will help thee.” “Mine are the ages: before the ages began, when there were no worlds, when nought had been created, from everlasting I am thy God. I am the God of election, the God of the decree, the God of the covenant; by my strength I did set fast the mountains, by my skill I laid the pillars of the earth; and the beams of the firmament of heaven; I spread out the skies as a curtain, and as a tent for man to dwell in; I the Lord made all these things. ‘I will help thee.’”
Then comes Jehovah the Son. “And I also, am thy Redeemer, I am eternal; my name is wisdom. I was with God, when there were no depths, before he had digged the rivers, I was there as one brought up with him. I am Jesus, the God of ages; I am Jesus, the man of sorrows: ‘I am he that liveth and was dead, I am alive for evermore.’ I am the High Priest of your profession, the Intercessor before the throne, the Representative of my people. I have power with God. ‘I will help thee.’” Poor worm, thy Redeemer vows to help thee; by his bleeding hands he covenants to give thee aid.
And then in comes the Holy Spirit. “And I,” saith the Spirit, “am also God — not an influence, but a person — I, eternal and everlasting co- existent with the Father and the Son — I, who did brood over chaos, when as yet the world was not brought into form and fashion, and did sow the earth with the seeds of life when I did brood over it, — I, that brought again from the dead your Lord Jesus Christ, the Shepherd of the sheep — 1, who am the Eternal Spirit, by whose power the Lord Jesus did arise from the thraldom of his tomb — I, by whom souls are quickened, by whom the elect are called out of darkness into light — I, who have power to maintain my children and preserve them to the end — ‘I will help thee.’” Now, soul, gather up these three; and dost thou want more help than they can afford? What! dost thou need more strength than the Omnipotence of the United Trinity? Dost thou want more wisdom than exists in the Father, more love than displays itself in the Son, and more power than is manifest in the influences of the Spirit? Bring hither thine empty pitcher! Sure this well will fill it.
“I will help thee:” lay a stress on that word. If you read it so, there is one blow at your unbelief.” I will help thee,” saith the Redeemer. “Others may not, but I have loved thee with an everlasting love, and by the bands of my lovingkindness have I drawn thee. ‘I will help thee,’ though the earth forsake thee; though thy father and thy mother forsake thee, I will take thee up. Wilt thou doubt me? I have proved my love to thee. Behold this gash, this spear thrust in my side. Look hither at my hands: wilt thou doubt me? ‘’Tis I.’ I said that on the waters, and I said to my people, ‘Be not afraid; it is I.’ I say to thee, now thou art on the waters, ‘Be not afraid; I will help thee.’ Sure thou needst not fear that I shall ever forget thee. ‘Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.’ ‘I have graven thee on my hands; thy walls are ever before me.’ ‘I will help thee.’”
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
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