Monday, April 7, 2014

Young Women of Faith Bible

Young Women of Faith Bible. New International Version. 2014. Zonderkidz. 1696 pages. [Source: Review copy]

The Women of Faith Bible was one of the first NIV Bibles I read. I absolutely loved it. I loved its appearance, its layout, its purple ink. (To be fair, I don't think all published editions through the years kept the purple-ness.) So I was very excited to see that Zonderkidz was publishing a YOUNG Women of Faith Bible. And I was even more pleased to see that it coordinates with the Women of Faith Bible. That mothers and daughters can do the weekly devotions TOGETHER!!!

Before reviewing this one, I read the following books: John, Romans, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Jude, and Revelation.

Young Women of Faith Bible uses the New International Version (2011) of the Bible.

Each Bible book has an introduction. Book introductions can be very important for readers of ALL ages.

Here is the book introduction for the gospel of John:
Who wrote this book? John, the disciple of Jesus, wrote this book.
Why was this book written? The Gospel of John shows that Jesus is the Son of God and helps people believe in him.
For whom was this book written? John was written for everyone who wants to understand who Jesus really is.
What happens in this book? John reports miracles and teachings that show that Jesus is the Son of God
Who is important in this book? Jesus is the important person in this book.
When did this happen? Jesus taught and performed miracles from A.D. 26 to 30.
Where did this happen? Most of the events in this book happened in Judea.
What are some of the stories in this book?
I like the simple question and answer format. I like how the book introductions help act as an index to readers to help them see--at a glance--what the book is all about.

The Young Women of Faith Bible features 52 Weekly Bible "Studies" or Devotions. These coordinate with the Women of Faith Bible. Week 1's devotion focuses on Genesis 3:8 and is titled "God's Friendship With You." The subject is on guilt or shame--real and false--and how God offers forgiveness. Two questions are asked, "What have you done that you feel ashamed about?" and "What did Jesus do to remove your shame (Isaiah 53:4-6)?"
Read About It
Read Acts 22:3-21. Paul used to be excited about hunting down Jesus' followers. He thought he was pleasing God by putting Christians in jail. Then God showed Paul the truth. He became a Christian himself. He had been wrong to attach Christians, and he felt bad about it. God forgave Paul, and Paul spent the rest of his life doing God's will and God's work. No matter what bad things you have done, God will forgive you if you believe in Jesus. He loves you and has plans for you. He says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness" (Jeremiah 31:3).
Experience It
On a piece of paper, write the name of a sin that makes you feel shame. Maybe it's lying or cheating. Then in pencil write the word "SHAME" across the paper. Take some time to pray to Jesus, telling him your sins and asking him to forgive you. In faith, erase the the word "SHAME." Now with a marker of your favorite color, write the word FORGIVEN across your paper. Remember: "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." (Psalm 34:5)
The Bible also features side notes and places for journal entries.

Overall, I would recommend this one.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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