Thursday, December 4, 2014

Book Review: Love Letters From God

Love Letters From God. Glenys Nellist. Illustrated by Sophie Allsopp. 2014. Zondervan. 40 pages. [Source: Review copy]

I enjoyed the concept of this children's bible story book. It retells bible stories, but, it adds a little something extra. Each bible story spread includes a letter and an envelope. Or perhaps I should say "envelope." It is more of a lifting of the flap to reveal the letters. The letters are written directly to the reader, in the second person, which gives it a personal touch.

The stories:

From The Sneaky Snake
The story itself:
In the beautiful Garden of Eden lived a very sneaky snake. He did not like God, and he did like Adam and Eve. He wanted them out of the garden. So one night, that sneaky snake thought up a very sneaky plan. The next morning, that slimy, sneaky snake slithered up to Eve and quietly whispered in her ear.
The letter to readers:
Dear ____________,
Do you ever do things you shouldn't like Adam and Eve did? It makes me sad when my children do something wrong. But I want you to know that if you say you're sorry and trust me, the most wonderful thing will happen--I will not remember your sins! I will only remember how much I love you…because you are my precious child, and nothing you can do will ever stop me from loving you.
With a heart full of love, GOD
From The Team of Twelve
The story itself:
Have you ever been hunting for treasure? When Jesus was all grown up, he went hunting for treasure. But he wasn't looking for treasure that sparkles. He wasn't looking for treasure that glitters. He was looking for people. Jesus needed people who would follow him and help tell the world about God. Now if he could find those people, that would be like finding treasure.
The letter to readers:
Dear _______________,
Did you know Jesus want you to be part of his team? His team is the best team you could ever join…because Jesus is in charge! And you would be so good at following him and helping him tell the world about me. Will you say "yes" to Jesus? If you will be part of his team, that will make Jesus and me so happy! And more than that, you will be like treasure to him. In fact, you will be one of the very best treasures Jesus has ever found!
With lots of love, GOD
Did I love Love Letters from God? Well, I wanted to love it. I did enjoy most of the stories and letters. But there were some stories/letters that I am slightly concerned about. Little things mostly. A phrase here and there that just strikes me as being a bit off. One recurring element is this "Jesus' team" stuff. I'm not a fan of the imagery. Perhaps I've seen The Biggest Question a few too many times.

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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