The sixth sermon is on Psalm 119:5.
- Note, that it is the use and duty of the people of God to turn precepts into prayers.
- What God hath required at our hands, that we may desire at his hands.
- Why doth God require what we cannot perform by our own strength? He doth it—(1.) To keep up his right; (2.) To convince us of our impotency, and that upon a trial; without his grace we cannot do his work; (3.) That the creature may express his readiness to obey; (4.) To bring us to lie at his feet for grace.
- The precept cometh from God to drive us to God; his sovereignty maketh way for his grace. He calleth upon us for obedience, that we may call upon him for help.
- He giveth us a law, that he may afterwards give us a heart. God’s end is to bring us upon our knees.
- When we are full of self, there is no room for grace.
- Cold, raw wishes are unuseful and fruitless; we must work as well as wish.
- The scriptures are sufficient to make us wise; but without the light of the Spirit, how do we grope at noonday!
- One great end of God’s Spirit is to put us in remembrance, to revive truths upon us in their season. A ship, though never so well rigged, needs a pilot; we need a good guide to put us in mind of our duty.
- A man is to choose God for a guide, as well as to take him for a lord; to ask his counsel as well as submit to his commandments.
© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible
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