Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Book Review: A Cloud by Day, A Fire by Night

A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night: Finding and Following God's Will for You. A.W. Tozer. Edited by James L. Snyder. 2019. [March] Bethany House. 208 pages. [Source: Review copy]

First sentence (from the introduction): A very important theme in Dr. A.W. Tozer’s ministry was the subject of God’s will for each of our lives.

I would recommend using A Cloud by Day, a Fire by Night by A.W. Tozer as a devotional book. I'm not sure if that's what the publishers intended. It's certainly not marketed as being such. The book has twenty-three chapters. Each chapter begins with a prayer and ends with a hymn. It could easily be used as a devotional for a month allowing for grace days and busy schedules.

The subject of this book is GOD'S WILL. Snyder has edited together some of Tozer's writings/sermons on this subject. (Tozer died in the early 1960s--1963, I believe.) Snyder writes, "This book is about more than finding God’s will for your next step or decision in life—it about is following His will to the end." I love that. This one is just as much about obedience and sanctification and worship as it is "God's Will."

Tozer is one of my favorite, favorite authors. Not because we always agree with one another on every little issue but because we're kindred spirits when it comes to the Word of God. Tozer is ZEALOUS and PASSIONATE and IN LOVE with the Lord. Tozer is not afraid to speak the truth--proclaim the truth--to the world.

  • God is directing His people in the way He wants them to go. Often it is not the way we want to go, but as we yield ourselves to God, He opens doors and leads us forward.
  • When we allow God’s Word to go beyond our ears and into our hearts, it stimulates us to do that which God is calling us to do.
  • When we start our journey with God, He knows the beginning and the end and everything in between. His preparation in us is in complete harmony with His knowledge of everything that is going to happen to us. Nothing can ever happen to you or me but what God has prepared us to handle.
  • As a believer, my job is to seek God in His Word and strip from my life everything hindering my relationship with God. If we are going to accomplish God’s goals, we need to get back to the basic laws of the kingdom of God laid out for us.
  • If I’m not believing God, I’m not being led by God. My unbelief will cloud what God wants to do in my life. That is the thing most important to many Christians who have been wandering aimlessly for too long and have become discouraged.
  • Unbelief believes all of the promises conditionally for someone else, somewhere else, and at some other time. They believe what God says is true, but it isn’t relevant to them at this time in their life.
  • My biggest enemy is not Satan. My worst enemy is myself. If I could let go of the past that God has led me out of and latch on to what God has for me now—the provisions and the access to heaven He has for me—I would begin to experience the kind of Christian life that is full of joy, praise, and honor to God.
  • Much needs to be said about the presence of God. Many Christians, I am sure, have never really experienced this. We talk about it and read about it, but have we really experienced that overwhelming sense of the presence of God?
  • I need to cultivate the presence of God in my own life. Regardless of what it takes, I need to make sure I am living in the awe-inspiring mystery of God.
  • The problem with many Christians today is that they want to tell God how they are going to serve, as well as the conditions of their serving. This is not acceptable as far as God is concerned. God is my owner, and serving Him means I recognize His ownership and I am completely in allegiance to Him, nobody else.
  • There are no tragedies. Everything that comes into my life comes in such a way that God can mold me and prepare me for the next step.
  • We need to have men and women so committed to Jesus Christ that no obstacle can obscure the presence of God from them. It is the cloud by day and the fire by night that give direction and encourage us to go forward.
  • It is interesting that God puts before us situations that we cannot handle in our own strength so that we can experience and understand the mighty grace and power of our God. 

© Becky Laney of Operation Actually Read Bible

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